Nearly 15 years of experience in helping students pass TEXES Exams.
​Registration Deadline: February 28th, 2025 – Start Tutoring Anytime During Q1 2025

At TEXES Tutoring Services, our entire organization is based on helping students pass the TEXES exam. We specialize in TEXES, and we make sure that students are well exposed and accurately tutored. We provide tutoring courses for the following exams:
AAFCS 200 Family and Consumer Sciences, Composite
AAFCS 201 Hospitality, Nutrition, and Food Science
AAFCS 202 Human Development and Family Studies
TEXES 272 Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources 6-12
TEXES 184 American Sign Language (ASL)
TEXES 178 Art EC-12
TEXES 164 Bilingual Education Supplemental
TEXES 190 Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test (BTLPT) Spanish
TEXES 283 Braille (UEB)
TEXES 276 Business and Finance 6-12
TEXES 240 Chemistry 7-12
TEXES 241 Computer Science 8-12
TEXES 211 Core Subjects 4-8
TEXES 391 Core Subjects EC-6
TEXES 279 Dance 6-12
TEXES 181 Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
TEXES 292 Early Childhood: PK-3
TEXES 253 Educational Diagnostician
TEXES 154 English as a Second Language Supplemental
TEXES 217 English Language Arts and Reading 4-8
TEXES 331 English Language Arts and Reading 7-12
TEXES 113 English Language Arts and Reading/Social Studies 4-8
TEXES 162 Gifted and Talented Supplemental
TEXES 257 Health EC-12
TEXES 273 Health Science 6-12
TEXES 233 History 7-12
TEXES 256 Journalism 7-12
TEXES 610 Languages Other Than English (LOTE) French
TEXES 611 Languages Other Than English (LOTE) German
TEXES 612 Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Latin
TEXES 613 Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Spanish
TEXES 238 Life Science 7-12
TEXES 275 Marketing 6-12
TEXES 115 Mathematics 4-8
TEXES 235 Mathematics 7-12
TEXES 274 Mathematics/Physical Science/Engineering 6-12
TEXES 114 Mathematics/Science 4-8
TEXES 177 Music EC-12
TEXES 160 Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities EC-12
TEXES 370 Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities for Trade and Industrial Education 6-12
TEXES 258 Physical Education EC-12
TEXES 237 Physical Science 6-12
TEXES 243 Physics/Mathematics 7-12
TEXES 268 Principal as Instructional Leader
TEXES 151 Reading Specialist
TEXES 252 School Counselor
TEXES 150 School Librarian
TEXES 116 Science 4-8
TEXES 236 Science 7-12
TEXES 293 Science of Teaching Reading
TEXES 118 Social Studies 4-8
TEXES 232 Social Studies 7-12
TEXES 161 Special Education EC-12
TEXES 163 Special Education Supplemental
TEXES 129 Speech 7-12
TEXES 195 Superintendent
TEXES 242 Technology Applications EC-12
TEXES 171 Technology Education 6-12
TEXES 180 Theatre EC-12
TEXES 182 Visually Impaired